The Power of TapScan
TapScan Instant Retail Intelligence can perform a number of tasks and report on a large variety of performance metrics across retail touchpoints:

Is my display or
promotion visible?

Confirms Display set up and builds a line of sight on return on investment. 


Did it attract customers?

Measure consumer engagement at purchase decision point.

How do I tell my brand story?

Measure consumer engagement with product and provide phygital brand extension.


Is my display or
promotion visible?

  • Confirms Display set up and builds a line of sight on return on investment. 

Did it attract customers?

  • Measure consumer engagement at purchase decision point.

How do I tell my brand story?

  • Measure consumer engagement with product and provide phygital brand extension.
TapScan SET-UP
Is my display or promotion visible?

TapScan SET-UP manages and shares data tracking of execution and visibility of in-store displays and promotion.

Your retail team member scans an embedded TapScan code, follows display assembly and placement instructions, and uploads results to the TapScan SET-UP Scorecard.

TapScan Tasks:

  • Confirm Display Arrival & Set-up
  • Share Display Visuals
  • Confirm Stock availability
  • Compare Retail Execution across stores
  • Manage 3rd party retail distributors and execution teams
  • Track quality issues and concern
SET-UP Case Study: Beer, Wine, and Spirits


  • Large investment in off-shelf display
  • Little insight on distributors’ display execution
  • Display required careful assembly and support of multi-case sales.

TapScan Tasks:

  • Confirm Display Arrival & Set-up
    Share Display Visuals
  • Compare Retail Execution across stores
    Manage 3rd party retail distributors and execution teams

Instant Retail Intelligence:

  • 30% confirmed assembly and display through photo confirmation.
  • 30 states have engagements. The top five represent 50% of all engagements (CA, TX, WA, MA)
  • Product cross-merchandising identified through photo submission
  • Distributors were able to show how confirmed assemblies created peak performance
  • Display activations tracked by early, on-time, or late based on the program “go live” date
Did my display or promotion attract customers?

TapScan CHECK-IN tracks consumer interaction with instore displays and promotions.


TapScan Tasks:

  • Count consumer engagements and impact of brand messaging
  • Educate on usage
  • Compare Retail Execution performance across the chain retail or verses other retailers
  • Compare and contrast: promotion, language or brand message versions
  • Compare activity across stores and formats, time of day
CHECK-IN Case Study: Medical Devices


  • Pandemic environment created new category needs for tech-heavy products such as thermometers.
  • Medical device company created displays for a touchless educational experience.
  • 11 unique product experiences in retailers across 14 countries.

TapScan Tasks:

  • Compare program performance metrics
  • Compare retailer compliance (display activation and placement)

  • Monitor consumer interaction performance rate

TapScan CHECK-IN Scorecard:

  • In total 22 different shopper languages engaged the experiences: Top 5 languages engaged 31% English; 30% French; 15% Swedish; 15% Other; 11% Italian.
  • Ranked performance by region and store

  • High consumer engagement and a desire for information from retailers

  • 50% of engagements took place in the afternoon
  • No engagement (red) is an indicator that the display:

How do I tell my brand story?

TapScan DEEP-DIVE monitors engagement of messages on products or packaging when a customer scans TapScan tags and engages targeted brand information options.

TapScan Tasks:
  • Deliver product info: recipes, extended nutritional information, how it’s made, ingredient origins and traceability, sourcing at point of use
  • Count consumer engagement versions with on-product code
  • Confirm engagements by customer, format (language, time of day), in-store vs. out-of-store
  • Compare, contrast and rank brand message versions
DEEP-DIVE Case Study: Consumer Health
  • Bayer launched new product that had a significant learning curve for customers:
    • 2 supplements (fiber and inulin) in new format (gummy)
  • Store Display and product neck tags were supported with a TapScan program that explained benefits of a brand-new product

TapScan Tasks:

  • Compare customer engagement in formats: Mass Merchant vs. Drug Store
  • Compare education engagements: In-store vs out of store


  • 70% of shoppers engaged with promotional video
  • 73% of shoppers shared location
  • 42% of engagements occurred in the first month of the program launch
  • QR code scans outperformed NFC tap engagements by 87%